Friday, June 3, 2011

Aidan is FIVE!!

Last weekend was a big birthday celebration at our house.  Bryan and Aidan share their birthday on May 31st.  So we usually always use Memorial Day weekend to party it up for the boys!  This year Aidan is 5, no that is not a typo my "baby" really is 5, and he wanted a baseball party.  So we had planned a big wiffle ball game in the field across the street.  The weather was not cooperating though.  Poor Aidan continued to check the windows throughout the day on Saturday and Sunday before his party Sunday afternoon.  Although we didn't get the sunny 80 degree day we had been hoping for, the rain did stop and we were able to get out and play the game in the driveway.  Which was good enough for the birthday boy!

Before all the guest arrived Aidan opened his gifts from MaMa and PaPa, who couldn't make it because the Bulldogs were playing in their Super Regional.  And although Aidan was sad they couldn't make it, he was so surprised by their gift and couldn't have been more excited as he put it on for his party.  Here's a few pics of him opening his presents from Mom and Dad...

A $5 bill for the 5 year old...

The smile on his face says it all!!

All decked out after opening his hat from Mommy and Daddy.  Ready to play ball!  Let the party begin!

Aidan was so excited to see all his friends and family.  He must have asked 100 times if it was party time yet?!  But 4 o'clock finally arrived and so did the guests and we had a blast.  

Our adorable neighbors Abigail and Hannah enjoyed the appetizers!

Maddux did too!

Papa and the boys played some bumper cars in the driveway.

Payton enjoyed the food as well!

Aidan busted some puddles on his scooter. And then the much anticipated moment FINALLY came!! 

It was time to PLAY BALL!!

And guess who was first up to bat?!  Yep #5 the FIVE YEAR OLD!! And he sent it deep!

Payton took his turn as well!

Everyone were such good sports and joined Aidan for a wet, but fun game!  It truly made his birthday dreams come true!!

After the game Aidan sat down with his buddy from preschool to have some lunch.  He was so thrilled Grahm could make it to the party.  They are best buds and really enjoy playing together.

Then it was time for cake.  Grammie made an adorable baseball field cake and baseball cake balls!  So cute!  The boys are very lucky to have such a creative Grammie!

Make a wish and blow out those candles!!

And dig in of course!!  The kiddos loved the cake baseballs!  After the cake was gone it was back out to play, and again we had to make adjustments to our original plans, but we used the water slide as just a regular slide and the kids enjoyed every minute of it!!

Thanks to the Zieglars for letting us borrow this super fun toy!! My boys are now dying to have one!!

After some playtime, it was time for presents!  He received some really cool stuff.  Including this fun soccer goal from Nana and Papa.

The kids played and played until they could barely even keep their eyes open.

I love this pic of Maddux taking a timeout with his juice box. 

As the night came to an end, Aidan passed out his treat bags and told all his friends goodbye.  It was such a great day for my little 5 year old man and I truly thank everyone who came and made him feel so special!

As everyone pulled off in their cars, Payton thought he should do the same!  It's to the bath and bed for you little man, not so fast!

Happy Birthday Aidan!!  We love you and are so proud of the little man you are growing up to be!!  
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